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How Do I Upload a CSV File?

Adding prospects

Nick Steeves avatar
Written by Nick Steeves
Updated over 4 years ago

There are multiple ways to add prospects to PersistIQ. You can use the  Chrome Extension to push leads and contacts directly from Salesforce, or,  you can access the Prospects table and click on "Add New Prospects" as visible below;

From here, you can find the following 3 options when adding Prospects;

  1. Upload Files XLS, XLSX or CSV

  2. Copy and Paste (don't forget to check the column headers)

  3. Manually add one person at a time

To add a CSV simply click on  "Select File" :

Next, add a file and map the columns to make sure it matches the PersistIQ fields

Next, name your import. You will be able to filter by the import name on the Prospects table. From here, you can update the duplicates (this is important if you have several imports with duplicate prospects and you wish to keep them both in different uploads).

Also by accessing the "Advanced Settings" tab, you can change the prospects owner, change prospects status and mark everyone as "Opt-out" in case you don't want to accidentally contact them (as you can not easily revert this task).
After you are done, select the "Import" option.

After your import is visible in PersistIQ, you can then add the list to any campaign.

Please note that when entering the fields into an Excel file, the headers need to be in different columns and not separated with a coma. Below you can see a valid example of how the columns should appear: 

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