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How do I...?
Learn about the PersistIQ platform and specific features
How do I send emails from the Chrome extension?
Prospect Status
How can I mass opt out users?
How do I prevent communication with a single prospect going forward?
Using custom images in email templates
How can I create a new tag?
Stop processing Emails
How can I export a list of my prospects?
How do I group and organize my prospects?
Bulk change prospect status
How do I track email opens for one-off emails sent from Gmail?
How can I send a test email?
How do I update duplicate prospects?
How do I disable syncing one-off e-mails?
Enable/disable the unsubscribe or opt-out link in your emails
How do I add a different CC ID to each prospect?
How do I CC somebody in an e-mail?
How do I change the start date of my campaign?
How do I change the connected mailbox?
How do I add a touchpoint into a campaign that's already started?
How do I delete custom variables?
How do I add the same lead to multiple campaigns?
How do I make my touchpoints look like a follow-up email?
How do I filter by my customized fields?
How do I update image attachment links that aren't working?
How do I schedule the campaign step for tomorrow?
How do I edit templates?
How do I search for prospects in my prospects table?
How PersistIQ handles Out of Office (OOO) replies
How do I create tasks in a campaign?
How do I create folders to organize campaigns?
How can I download a list of prospects who opened, unopened, replied, bounced or opted out?
How do I change the opt out status?
How do I remove a prospect from a campaign?
How do I pause a campaign?
How do I turn off open email notifications in Gmail?
How do I update prospect data?
How do I round numbers within custom variables?
Move prospects to a new campaign based on open/unopened emails.
How to add a variable in the subject line of an email?
How Do I Upload a CSV File?
How do I change the order of steps in an existing campaign?
How do I change the name of a campaign?
How do I schedule prospects to start the campaign in the future?
How do I make emails appear as follow- ups to previous email?
How do I Send Emails that are Due
How do I pause a prospect in a campaign?
How do I delete a campaign?
How do I create an alias email address?
How do I add a signature to my emails?
How do I send e-mails on the prospect's time zone?
Setting up a Sending Window
How do I delete my campaign?
How do I customize an opt-out statement for my emails?
How do I use defaults and overrides for variables in my templates?