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FAQs and Troubleshooting
FAQs and Troubleshooting

A regularly curated list of commonly asked questions by PersistIQ customers

Manual Sending
Do you have any spam detection feature?
Stuck in scheduled or stuck in processing
Follow-up days in between Steps
Issues with Chrome Extension and/or Native App log-in
When I open the email, it shows up as the prospect having opened it
Email Templates in Gmail
Are there volume limitations when adding prospects/contacts to PersistIQ?
How to know when a prospect has been added to PersistIQ
Email Forwarding
We are having trouble connecting to the mailbox.... Attempting to reconnect
Does PersistIQ verify the email addresses of the contacts we are looking to send emails to?
Vulnerability & Bug Reporting
How are my emails sent and what is my sending limit?
Whose email server will the emails be sent from?
Can I modify the time in-between emails sent?
Emails not sending
Can I integrate an SMTP relay?
Does PersistIQ have an IP address?
Deleted Campaigns
Does PersistIQ have SPF records?
I've purchased a seat but cannot connect my mailbox.
Reporting; Prospects contacted and New Prospects Contacted
The Differences Between Contacted and Reached Prospects
Can I add a 0 in between campaign steps?
What happens when a prospect replies to my email?
Email Syncing to Salesforce
Issues With Connecting To Microsoft Outlook Mailbox
Mailbox Throttling Sent Mail (Along with other error messages)
What does it mean when my emails are Pending, Upcoming, Scheduled, Due, or Processing?
Why do I get a notification to review a campaign when it's on Auto Send?
What happens to my campaigns when I switch an email address?
I received a reply from a lead, why is the email reply not detected in PersistIQ?
Why sometimes opens < replies
What is the Daily Prospect Start and how is it different than the Daily Sending Limit?
Automatic Sending (Auto-send)
Email Sending Limits
Why aren't my emails sending?
Can I delete a step once I launch the campaign?